tropical trees
Showing all 3 results
Chiric Sanango – Brunfelsia grandiflora
Size 1.50-1.80 m.
Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia Grandiflora) can be cultivated ornamentally. Throughout the Amazon, locals sometimes rely on the root for its diuretic and analgesic properties. It is a low maintenance, handsome tree for any garden landscape.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Dillenia suffruticosa – Simpoh air
Size 1.50-1.80 m
A large shrub to shrubby tree that is able to reach to 6-7m tall fully grown. The tree develops large glossy green leaves, cheery yellow flowers and pink star-shaped ‘fruits’. Decorative and a pleasant addition to any tropical garden.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance
Weeping Willow
Known worldwide as a unique ornamental tree because of its beautiful pendulant branches, the bark of the Weeping Willow is also used widely for its healing properties when treating fever and pain. The trees grow very large, and should be used in larger gardens, due to their strong root systems.
Size 1.50-1.80 m.
Light Requirement: Prefers Full Sun
Watering Requirement: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Wind Preference: Medium Tolerance