If you have bought or are building a new house in Thailand, and you are at the stage where you want to design and improve your new garden, an interesting and easy way to begin designing how your garden will 'shape up' is to use one of the three popular basic patterns used by garden designers: circular, rectangular, and diagonal.
By designing the different sections of your garden along grid lines at 45 degrees to the house, it takes the eye across the different sections of the garden to help convey a sense of space.
This is a particularly useful tool if your garden is more modestly sized, and will also help you to easily apportion different regions for different areas within the garden (ie recreational, growing and planting, relaxation etc).
Always ensure you take into account pathways to make the whole of your Thai garden accessible.
Once you have a good idea about the different regions you would like to include, jot them down and contact Thailand's favourite landscaping company, Pornchai Garden, who will be happy to discuss your Thai garden requirements.